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Le tatouage - The tattoo
by Maoual


causette.jpg (38973 bytes)A feeling of sacred much more virulent, some vast divings into the memory and the mediterranean symbolics caracterize Maoual's work, who is an artist native of morocco and living in Marseille over 15 years.

Made of hammered refrigerator's slabs, cuted and forged, the printings, the marks, the tattoos and multiple inventions of this not so conventional engraver are at the same paintings and sculptures.

In black and white or in warm and sensuos colors, his pictures whith a strong intensity, evoke the big turn of our lives, the changes, the evolutions,the wounds, the births, the splendours, the splits into two, the spirals, the hopes of release, the halfcast mixtures, the accidents and mutilations that are continuously transforming us.

His engravings talk about a common fate and silmuteanously about a profound solitude; they explore order and disorder, the noise and the violent music of our lives.

Alain Paire, TAKTIK,

Ma technique de gravure est surtout basée sur le choix des matériaux rescapés de notre civilisation. Je découpe des plaques de frigidaires récupérés et je dessine mes motifs en utilisant un décapant qui fait sauter la peinture afin d’obtenir un premier relief. Je superpose ensuite d’autres reliefs à l’aide d’aquatinte et de bains d’acides. Je m’exprime par des formes stylisées, libérées des soucis du significatif et de la composition.


Le tatouage (gravé à l’aide d’une pointe), apparaît sur mes plaques comme l’écriture d’une identification et un mode fondamental de communication.

Je continue mes recherches dans ce sens en travaillant sur de grandes plaques avec rajout et apport

d’épaisseur en syntofer (produit pour la réparation des carrosseries automobiles). En ce moment, j’expérimente ce support qui permet des scarifications profondes et qui donne, lorsqu’on travaille sur plusieurs plaques en superposition, des matières très intéressantes à l’impression en couleurs.

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My technique of engraving is based on reclaimed materials of our civilisation. I cut plates out of salvaged refrigerators and draw my images by scouring in order to obtain a first relief. With the help of aquatint and baths of acids I superpose others relief’s.

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My forms are stylised forms, liberated with the concerns of composition.

The tattoo (engraved with the help of a point) appears on my plates as the handwriting of identification and a fundamental mode of communication.fcondit.jpg (32988 bytes)

I continue my researches by working on great plates by adding in thickness with syntofer, (produced for the repair of coach building automobiles) this material allows deep grooves. Using several superimposed plates each in a different colour creates very interesting impressions.


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